The R. D. Clark Letter – Royal

The R. D. Clark Letter – Royal

This entry is part [part not set] of 4 in the series Clark Letter

The following are the names of the children and grandchildren of Thomas Royal and his first wife, Hannah Cooper, and also their consorts so far as they are known to me:

1 Elizabeth, born June 16, 1783, m. â€|Canfield
● Hannah, married …Worrell.
● b. Daniel
● c. Mary, married …Robins and settled in California
● d. Vincent, born 1814

Children of Elizabeth and her second husband …McDonald
● John
● Phillip, settled in Princeston, Missouri
● Martha, m…Roe, settled in Urbanna, Ill.
● Thomas

2 James, born October 14, 1785
● Leonard
● Hiram
● Hannah
● Emily
● Joseph
● Martha
● Nancy

3 Mary, born June 8, 1787, m Absalom Meredith
● Thomas – m.1 Priscilla Fields; m.2 Jane Basil
● Amy – m. William B. Lawley
● Davis – m. Mary Newcomer
● William – Minister, U.B. Church to Fort â€|, Kan.
● Sarah – m. James Dillon, to McLean Co. Ill.
● Joseph – m.1 Susan Dillon; m2 Mary Adams

Absalom and Mary were married in Virginia, to Butler Co. O. then to Miami Co. O. then to Sangamon Co. Ill. where Absalom died in 1842. Mary died there in 1844. a, b, c, and d born in Butler Co. O. e, f born in Miami Co. O.
4 Samuel Cooper, born April 11, 1789. He was in the War of 1812. While in the army he became ill and his father brought him home where he died July 30, 1812, the same day that his half-sister, Rebecca, was born.
5 Thomas, born April 7, 1791 and settled near Middletown, Ohio.
● John, born December 25, 1821, in Butler Co. Ohio. He married Jane Withrow who died July 23, 1904.
● Thomas R., m. Rebecca Chinoweth, went to Gueda Springs, Kan. and died there January 1, 1899.
● William of Dayton, Indiana.

There may be others.
6 Sarah, born March 3, 1793, died Fulton Co., August 4, 1846. Married
Anthony Stout, died Middletown, Ohio.
● Hannah, born December 27, 1810 in Green Co. Penn. Married David Ward Clark in Sangamon Co. Ill. July 7, 1831. D. W. Clark was born in Bourbon County, Ky. September 30, 1809 and died in Mt. Pulaski February -, 1892 and Hannah died there December 15, 1897.
● Thomas, born November 19, 1812, in Ohio. Married Elizabeth Williams
● Mary, born January 1, 1815. Married John McKinney and went to Wisconsin. She died January 14, 1894 at the home of her son, Thomas, Hoxie, Kansas.
● Matilda, married James Parish. They had a family and lived in Athens, Ill.

Anthony Stout died at Middletown and Sarah went to Miami Co. Ohio and was there married to Isaac Clark5, May 7, 1821. Isaac Clark5 was an uncle to D. W. Clark6, the husband of Hannah Stout.
Children second husband of Sarah (Royal) Stout. Isaac Clark5 and Sarah:
● Lydia Z, born February 16, 1822, m. George Snell
● William R., born July 15, 1823, m1 Elsey Fitsgerald; m2 Sarah Grigsby; m3 Huldah McCumber. William had children by each wife. He died August 9, 1906.
● Ezekiel, born May 4, 1825, m. Diantha Beckelhimer.
● Margaret, born November 1, 1826, m. John Grigsby
● Amy, born about 1828, m. Pleasant Bryant. Went to Kansas.
● James, born February 14, 1830, m. Catherine Gay

All of the children of Isaac and Sarah Clark, except James, had a family and many of their descendants now live in Fulton Co. Ill.
B for born
D ” died
M ” married
M1 ” ” 1st time [?]
7 William Royal, born February 24., 1796
m. Barbara Ebey September 8, 1818 in Doublin, Ohio
● Thomas Fletcher, m. Mary Ann Stanley
● Charles W., m.1 Rachel Misner; m.2 Sarah Cummings
● George A., born 1825, died October 16, 1842
● William Bramwell, m. Lizzie Hall
● James H., born m. Carrie Hall
● Mary Elizabeth, m. Rev. John Flynn in Oregon
● Jason Lee, m. Anna Browning in Oregon

William Royal (above) and his family crossed the plains from Illinois to Oregon in 1853. He was a minister in the M.E. Church and would not travel on Sunday. Those with whom he traveled would leave him Sunday morning, but he would overtake the others during the week and arrived in Oregon with the rest of the company.
He and his family visited my father’s home for two days just before he started west. He and my father corresponded for some years. I still have some of their letters, one of which, written by my father, was taken to Ohio and sent to me from there. William Royal died in Salem, Oregon September 29, 1870. Many of his descendants live in Oregon and other states. There were many preachers and teachers among them.
8 Charles, born March 19, 1798
m. Polly Gearhart in Piqua, Ohio.
● Thomas Wesley, born January 24, 1823 in Piqua, Ohio.
● Sara
● Eliza
● John
● James
● Charles Fletcher
● William
● Mary
● Lewis B.

9 Hannah, born February 26, 1801. M…Jarrett
A daughter, Mary married Aaron Hiner. Mary and Aaron went to McLean Co. Aaron died and Mary m …(?)
Thomas Royal was the grandfather of Hannah Stout Clark. See his 6th child. The above names appear on a bronze tablet at the south door of the court house at Springfield, Illinois.
Mrs. Hannah Cooper Royal died in Virginia and Thomas Royal married Miss Rebecca Matthews and moved to Franklin Co. Ohio.
10 Simon, born June 27, 1810, died in infancy.
11 Rebecca, born July 30, 1812, married Jacob Boyd
● John T., born 1835, married Sarah E. Clayton
● William, born May 1, 1837, married Mary A. Vigal
● George B., born December 25, 1839, married Hariet Williams
● Mary M., married Alonzo Sparks
● Susan, married Harvey Alexander
● James 0, married Marietta Reed
● Sarah J, married Elijah D. Lawley
● Davis 0, married Sarah A. Campbell
● Vincent C, died in his 18th year.

Mrs. Rebecca (Matthews) Royal died in Doublin, Franklin Co., Ohio and Thomas Royal married Mrs. Ellen Brunk; one child.
12 Joseph B., born November 1, 1816 in Franklin Co. Ohio. Joseph B. m1 Louisa Downing; m2 Mrs. Elsey McHendry. Joseph was a minister of the Christian Church and went to Vermont, Fulton Co. Ill.2 and had a family there. I have pictures of his two boys, Oscar and Eddie.
Dates for a sketch are sometimes given from memory, after many years, and there are likely to be some errors.

The “Early Settlers of Sangamon County” states that Thomas Royal came from Franklin County, Ohio to Illinois in a company of sixty-three persons, arriving in the fall of 1824 and also that Christopher Newcomer came from that county to Illinois, arriving December 9, 1824. They probably came together.

It also states that Absalom Meredith came from Miami Co. 0. to Illinois arriving October 27, 1829 and that the company in which they came numbered sixty-three persons.

While it might be possible, yet it is not very probable, that just sixty-three persons came together from different counties in Ohio to Illinois in different years.

Thomas Royal was the father-in-law of Absalom Meredith, and this information may have been given by different descendants, and one of them may have erred in regard to the number of persons they were telling about.

My father’s uncle, Rev. David Clark,5 came from Miami Co. Ohio to Ill. in 1829 and my mother came from there at the same time and lived with her relatives until she and my father were married.
Absalom Meredith and Rev. David Clark may have come to Ill. together.
Rev. David Clark5 was a brother of Isaac Clark5 who was the second husband of Sarah Royal Stout.
Thomas Royal died August, 1834; his widow died in September 1844., both in Sangamon Co. Ill. They were buried in the Geo. Brunk Cemetery several miles southeast of Springfield.

There is a stone at the grave which gives his birth date as 1758. That is not correct as the church records in England show he was baptized March 17, 1752. My mother told me he was a tall man.
In 1911 the D.A.R. unveiled, with appropriate exercises, a bronze tablet on which are inscribed the names of the twenty-four revolutionary soldiers who were buried in Sangamon Co., the name Thomas Royal being one of them. The tablet is near the south entrance of the County court house.
Hannah Cooper, the first wife of Thomas Royal, gave her son, William, an ancient family bible in which are some family records that are still legible.

It was handed down to his descendants until a few years ago when it was placed in the archives of the Oregon Historical Society in Portland, and I am informed by the Regent of the D.A.R. in that city that it is still there.

One of Hannah Cooper’s brothers was a silversmith. My mother had a teaspoon that he had made and on the handle of which was engraved the name “Cooper.” It was destroyed when my father’s home burned down January 15, 1888.

The descendants of Thomas Royal are a host now and could hardly be traced. I have the names of many of the later generations but probably all of them can trace their ancestral lineage back to some one of the names given above.

As before stated, I do not know whether or not any of Thomas Royal’s relatives ever came to America from England.
There is a family who spell their name as Royall, whose ancestors came from England many years before the revolution.

They are keeping in repair a mansion at Medford, Massachusetts which was built between 1637 and 1677 which at one time belonged to one of their ancestors.
If they were related to Thomas Royal it would be almost impossible to establish that fact.

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