Tag – You’re It!
Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings started a game of tag. I was tagged by Libbi Crowe.
10 Years Ago I
# was involved with ILGenWeb
# was living in Tennessee
# foolish believed they got all of Michael’s cancer
# was plotting a move to the Emerald Coast
# had just gotten my Caravan — which I still have
5 Things on Today’s To-DO List
# get the HBTS newsletter done
# finish several pleadings
# find out about a couple genealogy programs
# think about how I am going to fix my LAN
# answer some genealogy email
5 Snacks I Enjoy
# fruit
# Chex Mix – but I avoid it
# cheese
# most anything that goes crunch
# fresh brewed unsweet iced tea
5 Places I Have Lived
# Mt. Pulaski, Illinois
# Chicago, Illinois
# Oak Park, Illinois
# Birchwood, Tennessee
# Navarre, Florida
5 Jobs I Have Had
# Editor
# Reporter
# Paralegal
# Freelance Writer
# Caseworker
5 Blogs I Tag to Play
# Tina Sansone of BellaOnline
# everyone I know has been tagged!